Hire A Premium Faculty

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  • Hire A Premium Faculty

  • We Know Them Personally: We personally know all of our tutors and can personally vouch for their commitment, enthusiasm, professionalism and expertise. This means, unlike other agencies, we have personally assessed each of our tutor’s teaching abilities. We can therefore hand pick which tutors we believe will be the best fit for you and your child and which ones will be the best tutors to help your child achieve their particular goals. We never mass-market email your request out to all our tutors.

  • Supportive & Collaborative: We stay in regular contact with our tutors and clients and check-in with them every month to make sure everything is going well and if there’s anything we can do to help. Our tutors also keep you and their students up to speed and will provide you with regular feedback (like a school report card).

  • Hire A Premium Faculty